A Piece to the Puzzle
By Peyton Schultze
Captain America (above, played by Chris Evans) and the rest of the Avengers hope to take down Thanos and reverse “The Decimation” in Avengers: Endgame.
Very soon, fans around the world will be able to witness the single biggest movie of 2019 upon the silver screen in Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame. The next step towards April’s fourth and final installment of the Avengers saga was released last week, as the official trailer for the film hit the Internet and garnered even more excitement and anticipation ahead of the film’s release.
As a cumulation of 11 years and 21 individual films, Avengers: Endgame has some major stakes that will cause some huge changes in Hollywood’s largest current film franchise. With that being said, here is our second look, and the first official trailer, for Avengers: Endgame:
At this point, we all know what happened during the events of Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos, the Mad Titan himself, was able to invade all parts of the galaxy and collect all six Infinity Stones. With these Stones, Thanos was able to “snap” away exactly half of the living beings throughout the universe, including memorable allies to the Avengers such as Spider-Man, Black Panther, Nick Fury, Scarlet Witch, Bucky Barnes, Doctor Strange and four out of the five members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Yet all of the original core Avengers remain alive. Although Iron Man is seen lost in space alongside Nebula, Bruce Banner is still unable to transform into the Hulk, and Hawkeye seems to be somewhere on a farm in the world, there is still some kind of remaining hope that things can be undone following Infinity War.
Since the release of Infinity War last year, there has been mass speculation about what may happen in Endgame. Numerous theories have stated things such as that the Avengers will travel back in time to reverse the events of Thanos’ snap or that Captain Marvel will be the one to save the day for everyone or that Doctor Strange and his magic are the most crucial part to the next film.
Yet the real truth is this. Nobody knows quite what will happen and the latest trailer has everyone digging for even more clues as to what Endgame may actually hold.
After being absent from the entirety of Infinity War’s runtime, Hawkeye (above, played by Jeremy Renner) figures to play a major role in Endgame.
But after the recent trailer, we can at least make some guesses at to things that we know (or at least think that we know). With that being said, here are some of the latest pieces of information following the release of last week’s trailer:
Captain America will be wearing his iconic “scaled” suit
He is also seen shaved from his bearded-look in Infinity War
Hawkeye will return to play a major role in the film
He is seen training a girl in one scene from the trailer (no word on who the girl is)
The Avengers have all new suits (no word on what they can or can not do)
The trailer cuts to various scenes from earlier movies in the MCU, such as iron Man, Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor.
Rocket seems to be teaming up with War Machine
Tony Stark seems like he escapes the vast reaches of space and is able to come back to Earth
Yet Stark has not once been seen in his Iron Man suit in any of the trailers or teasers
Black Widow’s hair seems to have changed again from blonde to red
Captain Marvel WILL be in the film in some kind of regard
Thor and Captain Marvel seem to have some kind of chemistry in the trailer’s last scene
Bruce Banner has still not been seen again as The Incredible Hulk
Ant-Man is seen in the trailer, yet looks confused about where he is in one clip
Thanos does not appear in the trailer at all
Members of the remaining Avengers, such as Black Widow, Nebula and Tony Stark, seem to have brand-new suits in the fight against Thanos in Avengers: Endgame.
With a little over a month to go, the hype for Endgame begins to grow higher and higher. Will the Avengers come out on top and reverse Thanos’ actions? Which loved characters may die in the epic battle? What does this film mean for the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? All those questions and more will be answered soon, as we begin the countdown to the movie event of the year in Avengers: Endgame.
The official poster for Marvel Studios’ 22nd installment in the MCU, Avengers: Endgame.