Hello There
By Peyton Schultze
This time, it’s not a trap.
When Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens this summer at the Disneyland Resort, the dreams of Star Wars fans from all around the world will come to life with the opening of the most immersive theme park land in the world. Want to fly the Millennium Falcon alongside a crew while evading TIE fighters? Check. Want to get a drink at a cantina, or even try some blue milk? Check. Want to craft your own lightsaber or shop at several distinct locations where you can buy your own droid or ancient Jedi relics? Check. How about encountering several iconic characters such as Kylo Ren, Rey, R2-D2, or BB-8? The gigantic new land is not the largest expansion in the history of Disney Parks, but expects to change what guests can expect out of a theme park land at any theme park around the globe.
For Force fans and park lovers alike, the land is the most highly-anticipated park opening ever that will make the Disneyland Resort even more crowded in the coming years. So what’s next? Let’s flip that hyperdrive switch and blast off into the great unknown of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, opening summer 2019 at the Disneyland Resort.
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance
“Rise of the Resistance is the most ambitious attraction we’ve ever built. It’s almost like being on four attractions at once. ”
Way back in 1955, Walt Disney opened the gates to Disneyland Park, the most innovative and creative theme park of the time. Now Disney is changing the game once again. As expected, Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is expected to be the largest and most complex ever assembled in the history of Disney Parks.
Guests first start off in the nearby woods, outside the central area of Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu, the main focus of the entire land. Here, guests will follow a beaten path towards the ride where they will be able to see the track of a R2 unit astromech (droid for those unfamiliar with language of the Star Wars universe), an ideal nod to one of the most lovable and famous characters of the franchise. After this, guests travel through ancient ruins until walking towards the setup of the Resistance camp, where they will be able to see the rebels’ battle and medical equipment on display.
From there, guests will travel into a room where they will be briefed from a rolling and moving animatronic BB-8 droid. BB-8 then shines a holographic image of the Jedi, Rey, who then tells guests of the mission that the Resistance is on to thwart the goals of the First Order. Guests then travel out of the room, walk past Poe Dameron’s famed X-Wing fighter and board a space transport ship that will take guests on their mission. While taking upon around 50 guests at a time, the transport will travel throughout space alongside Lando Calrissian’s pal, Nien Nunb, before being cut off and beamed up by a First Order Star Destroyer. At this time, guests will be able to see the space action going on at the front and back of the transport, helping guests realize the space mayhem around them during the attraction.
Following the capture, guests will have the doors of the transport opened and find themselves in a massive First Order hangar filled with over 50 Stormtroopers and crew members of the First Order, who will be throwing insults and commands at guests, who are considered counterparts of the Resistance. In this room, a large TIE fighter and screen showing the vast depths of space will be visible, adding to the sense that guests are truly in space on board a deadly Star Destroyer. Following this, guests will walk towards a corridor and be placed into prisoner cells and face an announcement from the evil Kylo Ren.
Not much is known past this point, as journalists were unable to see the rest of the attraction or board the vehicles that come along later in the ride. With that being said, it has been rumored that guests will still have several more interactions with Star Wars characters along the ride such as Rey, Finn, Poe and Ren. Regardless, this amazing preview gives us more exciting information about attraction that is sure to blow some minds when it opens this summer in Anaheim and this winter in Orlando.
Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run
Han, Chewie, Lando and Rey have all flown the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy at some point, but now it’s someone else’s turn.
Set towards the back of the land, Smuggler’s Run is one of the marquee highlights throughout all of the land and is sure to life guests to breathtaking heights upon the most iconic ship in the Star Wars universe. As described by attendees of the preview event, coming face-to-face with the Millennium Falcon is nearly indescribably and a pure sight to behold for guests that is sure to bring some chills for long-time fans. Guests can expect to turn the corner at any moment and view some picturesque angles of the infamous ship that is sure to be as commonly photographed as Sleeping Beauty Castle or Carthay Circle when the land opens to the public. The ship is described as completely accurate down to the slightest detail and is truly a large part of the immersive experience that the land brings.
Yet, when it comes to the ride and queue itself, it is no slouch. While the on-board ride is still not known, guests enter the attraction in a building near the Falcon which travels up and around the ship that provides some awesome shots of the parked spaceship. From there, guests make their way through the queue before running into a stunning Audio-Animatronic figure of space pirate Hondo Ohnaka and his droid, who tell riders about their future mission. From there, guests board the Falcon and are free to roam around some of the corridors on the Falcon, included with creaky floors that feel as if the ship is still hiding unknown secrets that are waiting to be explored.
From there, guests travel inside the cockpit of the ship with six seats arranged. For the remainder of the journey, guests will be divided into three separate groups to co-exist together to help guide the ship on its mission: pilot, gunner and engineer. Although it’s impossible to crash the ship, there is a high chance that guests will need to avoid obstacles such as incoming TIE Fighter blasters which could then affect the reputation throughout the entirety of Black Spire Outpost when guests interact with select members of the Resistance and the First Order (information from the ride is gathered through the Play Disney Parks app).
All this is joined together for one unbelievable experience that is sure to make guests’ days aboard the infamous ship. Expect some twists and turns on the ride that provide some excellent surprises along the way on your mission to escape the clutches of the First Order and complete your mission, all a part of the massive attraction that is Smuggler’s Run.
Merchandise and Shopping Experiences
Guests will be able to create their own lightsabers, whether representing the light or dark side, at Savi’s Workshop
On Batuu, there apparently is no shortage of shopping options.
Throughout Black Spire Outpost, guests will be able to enter a total of nine advertised locations to buy select merchandise that is unique and only related to the land itself. This means that there will be no sight of any type of Mickey Mouse or Buzz Lightyear dolls, not even anything with the words of Star Wars, on the racks of a store. Instead, guests will see merchandise that are unique to the in-universe aspect of the land that has really never been seen in any type of theme park. Even the packaging itself will be unique. For example, some of the stores that seem to be run by the First Order will be neatly packaged and more delicate, whereas junk traders fresh off the streets will package their items in a more raggedy way.
In addition, each and every store will have its own individual story behind it. For example, Toydarian Toymaker is home to the same species as Watto on Tatooine, the nasty ship part trader, from The Phantom Menace. Instead of ship parts, the owner of the toy store, Zabaka, looks to sell select dolls and handmade toys of characters and icons from around the galaxy that he has heard about in his travels. These include, but are not limited to, characters such as Chewbacca, Yoda, Kylo Ren and Rey. Another featured store that is sure to excite fans is Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities. Here, guests will be able to travel through an antique shop full of Jedi and Sith treasures, with rare items that tell the story of the shop. Guests will be able to witness familiar things such as a massive Hothian Wampa skin from The Empire Strikes Back and famous lightsabers that will be for sale such as Darth Vader’s and Kylo Ren’s.
Moving on, guests will also be able to create their own droid or take home their own unique and special Star Wars creature at Droid Depot and Creature Stand. At Droid Depot, guests will be able to create their own radio-controlled droid which they can purchase and take around Black Spire Outpost. However, when walking around the land, the purchased droid will move and react to the environment around them, which once again adds to the unbelievable experience provided by the land. Meanwhile at Creature Stand, kids and adults alike will be able to take home some of the most interesting animals and creatures in the galaxy. Have you ever wanted your own miniature Tauntaun? How about a plush Porg? Or even a crazy-looking Rather, the creature that almost killed Han, Chewie, Finn and Rey in The Force Awakens? At these shops, guests will be able to add to their Star Wars journey and truly feel a part of the adventure.
Elsewhere in the land, Black Spire Outfitters sells select Star Wars and Jedi robes for the whole family to enjoy, while First Order Cargo and Resistance Supply sell items from their respective side of the intergalactic conflict. Guests are sure to find plenty of deluxe and unique items at each spot which can truly only be found on Batuu.
However, of all the shopping experiences, Savi’s Workshop-Handbuilt Lightsabers seems to be the true highlight. At Savi’s Workshop, guests will be able to create their own lightsaber based on which side of the conflict they agree with. Guests will have four options - power and justice, power and control, protection and defense, or elemental and nature - which will tell the true story of their own individual lightsaber. From there, guests will select the kyber crystal of their choosing to inspire the color of their saber. For those interested, there are four options for each saber at the workshop: blue, purple, green or red. The entire experience culminates into one 15 minute extravaganza which is sure to delight all guest, young and old, who visit Black Spire Outpost.
Food, Drinks and Dining Experiences
We’ve seen a lot throughout all Star Wars films and cartoon episodes, but we’ve never really been able to taste or drink anything from the galaxy far, far away.
Yet that is soon going to change. Galaxy’s Edge will feature five main food areas where guests can explore what sort of food and drinks Disney Imagineers envision are a delicious part of the Star Wars universe. Of all of the main food attractions, the headline will unquestionably be Oga’s Cantina, a cantina bar that will sell alcoholic beverages for the first time outside of Club 33 in the history of Disneyland Park. In addition, Oga’s Cantina will also be home to former Star Tours pilot, R-3X, who will serve as the DJ of the cantina in his new role. The cantina offers up some food options, but will mostly feature an outstanding lineup of creative drinks that could only be stirred up by Disney:
Jabba Juice (non-alcoholic)
Hyperdrive Punch It! (non-alcoholic)
Carbon Freeze (non-alcoholic)
Yub Nub (rum punch with fruit seeds; based off Endor’s famous Ewoks)
Bloody Rancor (a Bloody Mary type drink; based off the Rancor that Luke Skywalker defeated in Return of the Jedi)
White Wampa Ale (wheat beer)
Spice Runner (dark red cider)
Outer Rim (margarita with black salt rim)
Jedi Mind Trick
Fuzzy Tauntaun
Jet Juice
T-16 Skyhopper
Bespin Fizz
Dagobah Slug Slinger
Bad Motivator IPA
Spriran Caf
Traveling further along inside Galaxy’s Edge, guests will run into Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo, a quick-service restaurant with some delicious and unique food options for guests to enjoy at lunch and dinner. Located at a building with a large cargo ship placed upon its roof, the restaurant is the home of Chef Strono Tuggs, the former chef at Maz Kanata’s castle on Takodana. On Batuu, Tuggs, aka Cookie, is serving up some great intergalactic meals that are truly one-of-a-kind. Often inspired by select planets around the Star Wars universe, Docking Bay 7 has a solid menu of items that is sure to fill up traveling guests of Black Spire Outpost:
Braised Shaak Roast
Fried Endorian Tip-Yip
Ithorian Garden Loaf
Oven Roasted Burra Fish
Kaadu Ribs
Yobshrimp Noodle Salad
Moof Juice
The Kaadu Ribs (pictured) at Docking Bay 7 are sure to be a huge hit for guests in Black Spire Outpost.
In addition, there are three other food locations that are sure to be major hits: Kat Saka’s Kettle, Milk Stand and Ronto Roasters. At the Milk Stand, guests will be able to try the infamous Blue Milk from A New Hope or the green milk from The Last Jedi. Although both creations are not actually milk, the drinks are a delicious type of dessert that is “almost a frozen smoothie with berry and melon flavors” according to Scott Trowbridge, the portfolio creative executive of Walt Disney Imagineering. At Kat Saka’s Kettle, guests will be able to try some great variations of galactic popcorn, including unknown flavors that are rumored to be sweet, salty and even spicy. Lastly at Ronto Roasters, guests will encounter Bakkar, a huge podracing fan who loves to cook up some meats. In the center of the area, a gigantic podracing engine will be at the front by cooking up some meats to serve to guests such as a sausage wrap and sweet teriyaki jerky (the engine is just a prop and does not actually cook all the meats). With all these food variations, guests can expect to enjoy a surplus of awesome food and drink options on Batuu.
Final Thoughts
When it opens up this summer, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be the largest expansion in the history of the Disneyland Resort. Although an exact opening date has not been confirmed, there will be a gigantic amount of anxious park-goers who travel to Anaheim this summer.
Black Spire Outpost at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be one of the most innovative and unique areas in any theme park to ever exist. Guests will be able to use the brand-new Play Disney Parks app to interact with things all around the area. Through use of the app, guests will be able to do a variety of things. Have you ever wanted to help hack a First Order security camera? You can do that if you want to help he Resistance. Have you ever wanted to be assigned a secret job by either side of the war? You can do that by signing up in the app and could even be contacted by a wandering civilian of Batuu. In this new land, anything and everything you do will have major implications on your life around the Star Wars galaxy. There is still a lot of information and hidden Easter Eggs that are sure to be announced before this summer’s opening of the land, so be sure to stay tuned to what else the Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney Imagineering has in store for the massive and brilliant new area of the resort: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.